Let me start with this video which might cheer you up a little bit, Especially if you are an engineer. I thought this was necessary in these times when everyone seems so depressed because of bad economy.
Now to the main subject:
Now to the main subject:
IT salaries on the rise
According to a report published in www.techworld.com Australian Computer Society (ACS) salary survey finds ICT wages and demand are steadily growing, despite economic turmoil. The Australian Computer Society’s (ACS) annual survey of its members found that the salaries of ICT professionals steadily increased over the 12 months till May 2008, rising an average of 4.9% across all industry sectors. In case you were wondering ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology The 2008 ACS Remuneration Survey was conducted by the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers (APESMA) on behalf of the ACS. It surveyed 1500 ACS members and recorded a 5.1% increase in salaries for private sector ICT employees, up half a percentage point from the previous year, while salaries of public sector ICT workers increased by 4.1%. Check out the curve of rising salries here.
ACS president Kumar Parakala told Computerworld the growth of almost 5% was a strong indication of the continuing demand for ICT professionals. He also said that demand would keep growing next year too despite the volatility in international markets. General managers in ICT, business development managers, project managers are all earning in excess of $100,000 salaries, and entry level positions are at $50,000-$60,000 per annum, which is an extremely good message for people planning to take jobs in ICT. Not only the increase in salaries was good for ICT professionals in Australia this year, it was also more than the rate of increase of cost of living which was 4.2% according to Australian Bureau of Statistics. As they say: Nothing is perfect, here too the news is not all good as there are a few concerns as well. Firstly, Australia is in many ways isolated because of the geographical distance from major places of action like the New York and London financial markets, and even Hong Kong, is about ten hours away.
Despite the positive findings for ICT workers across the board, another recent survey by ACS which polled its female members concluded that most of the female members belived that salries were less for female ICT workers than their male counterparts.
To conclude here is another thought: Guess which country's IT professionals are becoming world class? well i cant give you any money for right guess but if your reply was India or China or even USA; you are wrong
Its filipines and its because of a series of exams designed by experienced Japanese IT engineers.
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