Well i thought a lot about the topic of this post but ended up with the same heading as my last post. And like most of the Hollywood movies in 2008 made it a sequel and added part II ;-).
So for those of you who haven't seen my last post, it was an information about a study conducted by Business journals or biz journals in short. The study which was conducted by American City Business Journals surveyed most common profession's salaries in top 100 metros in United States.
Now Phoenix seems to be lagging in this list of nation's top metros as far as salaries are concerned. Phoenix lags behind larger cities and even some smaller ones when it comes to salary levels for a host of professional positions. It stood 84th among the salaries of dentists, 74th among the salaries of software engineers and financial managers, and 89th for marketing managers. This describes three things:1. First, of course that one might be paid less in Phoenix for the same skill as compared to some other place such as new york.
2. The gap shows region's ailing economy.
3. But most importantly, it shows that it might be easier for a new graduate to find a job in this area.

Finally, here are some actual numbers from the survey. The salaries for different professions in Phoenix:
Computer and Information Syst. Managers: US$101,760
Software Engineers(applications): $71,810
Software engineers (systems software): $79,220
Chief Executives: US$150,180
Dentists: US$127,920
Electrical Engineers: US$79,890
Electronics Engineers (except comp. engineers): US$$73,900
Engineering managers: US$111,520
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