Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Top 10 cities to be a Civil Engineer

According to the results of a recent survey by the American Society of Civil Engineers, median income for civil engineers hit $78,000 this year. Median pay in 2007 was $77,000. The society said it was “obvious” that the job market for civil engineers is strong, but that in order to “maintain a pipeline of qualified civil engineers,” salaries must continue to rise. This article in Worcester Business journal gives the details of job market and area of specialization to go for if you are a civil engineering grauduate. The top 10 cities to be in for a civil engineer are as follows:

CITY Median Income
1. Syracuse,New York US$121,950
2. Brazoria, Texas US$113,440
3. Houston,Texas US$108,500
4. San Jose, California US$105,000
5. Santa Fe, New Mexico US$ 105,000
6. Jersey City, NJ US$ 104,750
7. Lowell, Mass/N.H US$103,500
8. Oakland,Calif US$ 103,000
9.Trenton,N.J. US$101,355
Rocehester,NH/Maine US$100,650

Source:American Society of Civil Engineers 2008 salary survey

Women civil Engineers
source: http://blogs.citypages.com/pscholtes/2006/06/

These numbers might look a little misleading because these numbers are not for fresh graduates with no experience as there is no way that they would be offered US$100k.

To give you a better idea here is another fact from the survey: Those respondents of the survey with a prfessional engineering license earned a median salary US$92,000, Those with an additional proffesional registration earned the highest with US$106,00 and the ones with no proffesional licensing or certificate earned a significantly less of US$86,000. Read the complete article

For more information on the 2008 Salary Survey, or to purchase a copy, visit: www.asce.org/salaries